Mingyang Electric has passed multiple authoritative identifications such as a leading enterprise in the field of new energy electrical equipment

Published Date:2022-03-01


Guangdong Machinery Industry Association and Guangdong Electric Equipment Industry Association have organized investigation and identification of the leading enterprise in the field of new energy electrical equipment applied by Guangdong Mingyang Electric Co., Ltd.  in Zhongshan City. Guo Xianqing, President of Mingyang Electric, and other  relevant leaders attended the review meeting.

At the review meeting, He Xiangji, Secretary General of Guangdong Machinery Industry Association, Li Ying, Secretary General of Guangdong Electric Equipment Industry Association, and other members of expert group, reviewed the application materials, listened to the report on the relevant situations, and investigated the project site in accordance with the provisions of documents such as the "Implementation Plan for Identification of Leading Enterprises in the Field of Guangdong Electrical Equipment" (YJX Zi﹝2021﹞ No. 6 and YDX Zi ﹝2021﹞ No. 2), and carried out comprehensive and deep assessment of Mingyang Electric's multiple dimensions such as scale, innovation ability, industry position, corporate culture, brand building, social responsibility. After inquiries and arguments, it was agreed that Mingyang Electric Co., Ltd. has a clear development goal, attaches importance to technological innovation, and has advanced manufacturing techniques. It has made outstanding achievements in transformation and upgrading, structural adjustment, etc., been actively fulfilled social responsibility, and continuously improved its brand awareness.

The expert group fully affirmed the leading position of Guangdong Mingyang Electric Co., Ltd. in the industry and unanimously identified Guangdong Mingyang Electric Co., Ltd. as the "Leading Enterprise in the Field of New Energy Electrical Equipment". At the review meeting, the expert group also unanimously approved the company's three products such as "S11 series power transformer" as the "high-quality products in the Guangdong Electric Equipment Industry", and awarded a certificate of honor and plaque to the company.

Guangdong Mingyang Electric was identified as a leading enterprise, which fully highlights the facts that its strong research and development strength, sustained innovation capability, standardized enterprise management, and its achievements in the high and new technology have been affirmed and recognized by the industry and the outside world. It is a milestone for Mingyang Electric to achieve great-leap-forward development.